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Water Jets vs. Cable Machines: What’s the Difference?

Water Jets vs. Cable Machines: What’s the Difference?

A Perth blocked drain expert explains what the differences are between water jetters and cable drain cleaners.  Every homeowner will have to deal with a blocked drain in Perth at some point. It's inevitable. Over time, toilets, sinks, and showers collect stray...

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When is it time to unblock drains at home?

When is it time to unblock drains at home?

Effective drainage is one of the cornerstones of modern society. Without working drains, society, cities and your home and health are all at risk. Generally speaking, what goes down the drain is stuff you really don’t want to come back up or stick around for long...

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The Various Plumbing Needs of Commercial Businesses

The Various Plumbing Needs of Commercial Businesses

You may think ‘a plumber’s just a plumber’. But there are some big differences between a residential and Perth commercial plumber.   You need to be confident that your business can rely on the best services to run at peak efficiency. Plumbing problems are bound to...

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Get Your Roof Plumbing Repairs Carried Out by a Professional

Get Your Roof Plumbing Repairs Carried Out by a Professional

Roof plumbing is dangerous work that should only be done by professionals. Many people don't realise how important it is to have their roof plumbing looked after. You run the risk of having problems with your roof if you don't have it checked. Roof leaks can be a...

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Why You Should Never Solve Plumbing Problems By Yourself

Why You Should Never Solve Plumbing Problems By Yourself

It's 2022. The dawn of the DIYers as we like to call it. With the endless amount of 'how-to’ videos on the internet, DIY projects are an inevitable part of life these days. So is the rise of the ‘weekend DIY warriors. From doing your own landscaping project in your...

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What Size Hot Water System Do I Need

What Size Hot Water System Do I Need

It is crucial to choose the right hot-water system for your home. The process of selecting the best hot-water system can seem overwhelming due to the large number of models and brands available.  There are many factors to consider when deciding on the size of your...

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Is Your Water Usage Costing You Money?

Is Your Water Usage Costing You Money?

Water is essential for survival. You cannot live without it. You know what you can live without? High water bills.     Drip, drip, drip... Although the sound of leaking taps and pipes can be annoying, the real problem is the high-water consumption that results in a...

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Buying a home? Run through Fremantle Plumbing’s checklist first

Buying a home? Run through Fremantle Plumbing’s checklist first

Picture it — you’ve found your dream home. It’s within budget, ticks all the boxes, and on the surface, looks perfect. But have you taken a closer look at the house’s plumbing? It may not be the most exciting part of a property inspection but ensuring your new home’s...

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